Sunday, October 24, 2010

Went out and had a bad day

"The story of Pygmalion points to a ceremony of a sacred marriage in which the king wedded the image of Aphrodite, or rather of Astarte." Pg. 401

              This quote has nothing to do with my bad day but it does have to do with class on Tuesday I believe so it connects somehow. Anyway my bad day happened recently. Friday in fact. Friday was my birthday and so naturally I, along with some friends, decided to celebrate. So I guess this day could be considered a good day and a bad day all in one. I'm killing two birds with one stone here. So my birthday was awesome, I hung out with some friends and went out to dinner. Around Eight or Nine we decided to go to a friends house to continue with the festivities. Star swipe to four hours later and I've had a few to many. I think I hear someone say something to me I don't like, and I decide to do something about it. Later I learned that he wasn't talking to me i guess. Anyway I got in a fight on my birthday and no have a black eye to show for it. But I am happy to say I did as was asked and went out and had a bad day.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Chapter 2, 5 sentences

The Raven: Should have known when to shut up and maybe ravens would still be white.

Coronis, The Raven, The Crow, Nyctimene: If Apollo wasn't so quickly enraged maybe the Raven and the Crow would still be in the ranks of the white birds.

Battus: Mercury cheated his agreement by tricking the old man

Callisto: The Gods are very unfair in who they punish for what other Gods have done

Ocyrhoe: Its sad that she has such a great gift but is punished for her accomplishment of learning it.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chapter 1 and 5 sentences

The Four Ages: Even though the Iron Age has is the worst of all, I'd rather live in it than the Golden Age with  everything being provided and no work being done it sounds that it would be boring.

The Flood: Jove stopped hurling thunderbolts in fear of lighting the sky on fire, when humankind set off the first H-bomb there was a fear it may light the sky on fire, they did it anyway; is humankind now braver than the gods?

Deucalion & Pyrrha: Had Deucalion not figured out the true meaning to the Oracle's words, what would the fate of humans been?

Python: Phoebus was pretty egoistical to create sacred games in honor of his own deeds.

Syrinx: What did Pan say to Syrinx that made her run?